Fremdsprachige Veröffentlichungen und Übersetzungen:
- "Is immigration a solution to Europe`s demographic problems?". In: Zdzislaw Krasnodebski (Ed.): Europe`s demographic winter. European Parliament, ECR Working Group on Demography, Intergenerational and Family Policies, Brussels, 2019. p 38-47.
- "Generationengerechtigkeit und demographische Stabilität".
In: Statistische Woche Berlin 2013 - Book of Abstracts. Vortrag vor der gemeinsamen Tagung der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Demographie,
Freie Universität Berlin, 18.9.2013, S. 68.
- Interview in: "Obekti", Bulgarisches Wissenschaftsmagazin, April 2012, S. 10-13.
- "Do Babies Make a Come-Back?", Interview in: FAMILYPLATFORM Journal Vol. III: Demographic Change and the Family in Europe.
Translated by Veronika Herche, Editor of FAMILYPLATFORM, Journal Volume III, Demographic Research Institute, Hungary.
Projekt der Europäischen Kommission, S. 18-26, 2011.
- "Political Impact of Demographic Change in Germany.
A Summary View of the Causes and Consequences of Demographic Change in Germany and Europe."
In: ONKOLOGIE, 32, 2008, p. 3 - 7.
- Koreanische Übersetzung der 1. Auflage von "Die ausgefallene Generation - Was die Demographie über unsere Zukunft sagt",
Planet Media Publishing Co., Book Cosmos, Seoul, Korea, 2006
- "Demographic Aging". In: Phillip Oswalt(Ed.), "Shrinking Cities", Vol.1, International Research,
Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern-Ruit, 2006, S. 112-118
- "A vilag nepessege - Dinamikus növekedes es leselkeo csapdak", Budapest, Corvina, 2005 (ISBN: 9631354628), 157 S,
- Englische Übersetzung von Nr. 223: „Strategic options for a
migration and family oriented demographic policy in Germany and Europe“. In: R. Caesar,
K. Lammers and H.-E. Scharrer (Eds.), Europa auf dem Weg zum wettbewerbsfähigsten und
dynamischsten Wirtschaftsraum der Welt? Eine Zwischenbilanz der Lissabon-Strategie,
Baden-Baden (Nomos) 2005, S. 97-136.
- “Demographic Ageing and Population Decline in 21st Century Germany -
Consequences for the Systems of Social Insurance.”
In: United Nations Population Division (Ed.), Policy re-sponses to population decline and ageing,
Population Bulletin of the UN, Special Issues Nos. 44/45, 2002, New York, 2004, pp. 103-134.
- „Strategic options for a migration and family-oriented demographic
policy in Germany and Europe”. In: Caesar, R., Lamers, K., Scharrer.
H.-E., „Eine Zwischenbilanz der Lissabon-Strategie“, HWWA-Studies,
Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 2004.
- "Dynamiques démographiques en Allemagne: diminution de la population et immigration".
In: Demesmay, Claire/Stark, Hans, "Ratioscopies de l'Allemagne", Paris 2004, S. 47-64.
- "Demographisch bedingter Verteilungsstress. Ein zentrales Bevölkerungsproblem der Zukunft."
In: Internationale Politik, russischsprachige Ausgabe, Heft 3/2004.
- "An Intergenerational Rationale for Fertility Assumptions in Long Term World Population Projections".
In: United Nations (Ed.), World Population to 2300, New York 2004, pp. 99-111.
- "Demographic Ageing and Population Decline in 21st Century Germany - Consequences for the
Systems of Social Insurance." In: United Nations Population Division (Ed.),
Policy responses to population decline and ageing, Population Bulletin of the UN,
Special Issues Nos. 44/45, 2002, New York, 2004, pp. 103-134.
- „An Approach for Forecasting Life Expectancy and its Application
in Germany .” In: Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft,
Heft 1, 2000, S. 175-198.
- Chinesische Übersetzung der 1. Aufl. von "Die Weltbevölkerung - Dynamik und Gefahren", Hunan Science and Technology Press, Peking 2001, ISBN 7-5357-3194-5/N.88
- „Demographic Ageing and Population Decline in 21st Century Germany
- Consequences for the Systems of Social Insurance.” United Nations
Population Division (Ed.), web site http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/popdecline/popdecline.htm,
October 2000. 27 S.
- „Outlook on demographically conditioned problems in the 21st century
- from the problem of carrying capacity to the problem of intergenerational
equity”. In: Höhn, Ch. (Ed.): Advising policy-makers in population
matters, Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung, Materialien
zur Bevölkerungswissenschaft, Heft 93, 1999, S. 1-4.
- „The impact of the demographic aging on the health system in Germany
- Simulations on the Basis of the IBS-Population Model”. In:
Turkish Journal of Population Studies, Vol. 21, 1999, p. 3-14.
- „World Population Projections for the 21st Century - Theoretical
Interpretations and Quantitative Simulations", Frankfurt
a.M. (Campus)/ New York ( St. Martin 's Press) 1995 (498 S.).
- „A Biographic/Demographic Analysis of the Relationship between
Fertility and Occupational Activity for Women and Married Couples".
In: Siegers, J.J./Jong- Gierveld, J. de/Imhoff, E. van (Hrsg.): „Female
Labour Market Behaviour and Fertility - A Rational- Choice-Approach",
Berlin/Heidelberg 1991.
- mit E.-Jürgen Flöthmann u. I. Reiter: „Biographic
Analysis of the Demographic Characteristics of the Life Histories
of Men and Women in Regional Labour- Market- Cohorts as Clusters
of Birth Cohorts". In: Henk A. Becker (Ed.): Life Histories
and Generations, Utrecht , 1990, S. 145-182.
- „Spatial Concentration and Dispersion Trends in Population
Distribution in the Federal Republic of Germany ". In: Masser,
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- „Demographic Aspects of Labour Market Efficiency". In:
Steinmann, G. (Hg.): 'Economic Consequences of Population Change
in Industrialized Countries', Berlin 1984.
- „On the interactions of job creation, migration, and natural
population increase within the framework of a dynamic demo-economic
model". In: Environment and Planning A, Vol. 14, 1982.
- „An Interregional Population-Employment Model for the Federal
Republic of Germany : Methodology and Forecasting Results for the
Year 2000". In: Papers of the Regional Science Association,
Vol. 47, 1981.
- „The Impact of the Settlement Structure on the Tertiary Sector
of the Regions in the Federal Republic of Germany ". In:
Vierteljahrsheft zur Wirtschaftsforschung, Heft 3, 1980.
- „Interregional Population Forecasting on the Basis of an
Optimization Model". Vortrag am International Institute
for Applied Systems, Laxenburg, Wien, 1977 (Mimeo).
- Buchbesprechung über Olgaard, A., „Growth, Productivity
and Relative Prices". In: Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung,
Heft 3 (1969), S. 354-357.